
Nu Skin Enterprises adalah perusahaan pemasaran bertingkat Amerika yang mengembangkan dan menjual produk perawatan pribadi dan suplemen makanan di bawah merek Nu Skin dan Pharmanex Nu Skin didirikan pada tahun 1984 diProvo, Utah . Perusahaan ini berasal dari Amerika Serikat dan memulai operasi asing pertamanya diKanada pada tahun 1990. Satu tahun kemudian, perusahaan mulai beroperasi di Asia dengan dibukanya Hong Kong Pada tahun 1996, perusahaan tersebut terdaftar di Bursa Efek New York. Perusahaan memasarkan produknya di 54 pasar melalui jaringan sekitar 1,2 juta distributor independent
Di bawah merek Nu Skin dan Pharmanex, perusahaan mengembangkan dan menjual lebih dari 200 produk perawatan pribadi yang dipasarkan untuk membantu orang terlihat dan merasa lebih muda. Pada akhir 1990-an, Nu Skin berinvestasi di Big Planet, sebuah perusahaan pemasaran bertingkat yang menjual layanan Internet. The New York Times mencatat bahwa Big Planet tampaknya merekrut orang "bahkan jika mereka memiliki sedikit pengetahuan tentang teknologi yang seharusnya mereka jual." Seorang perwakilan perusahaan menyatakan: "Saya percaya orang yang belum pernah menyentuh komputer sebelumnya dapat menjadi sangat kaya dalam bisnis ini.

Pada tahun 1998,Nu Skin mengakuisisi Generation Health, perusahaan induk dari perusahaan suplemen makanan Pharmanex. [15] Perusahaan memiliki paten pada perangkat yang dikembangkan oleh Pharmanex disebut "BioPhotonic Scanner", yang dirancang untuk mengukur tingkat karotenoid di kulit. Menurut Women's Health Letter , perangkat ini adalah "penipuan" karena dirancang hanya untuk membantu menjual lebih banyak suplemen: Laporan tahunan Nu Skin tahun 2002 menyatakan: "Saat pelanggan melacak kandungan karotenoid kulit mereka, kami yakin mereka akan termotivasi untuk secara konsisten mengonsumsi LifePak untuk jangka waktu yang lebih lama".

Pada tahun 2009, Nu Skin mulai bekerja dengan LifeGen Technologies, sebuah perusahaan genomik yang berbasis di Madison, Wisconsin . Nu Skin mengakuisisi LifeGen pada Desember 2011. Nu Skin mengklaim database genetik LifeGen membantu pengembangan produk Nu Skin, meluncurkan merek ageLOC
Nu Skin Enterprises' menggunakan model bisnis multi-level marketing . Setiap distributor memasarkan produk secara langsung kepada calon pelanggan, dan juga dapat merekrut dan melatih pelanggan untuk menjadi distributor. Distributor dibayar dari markup ritel pada produk yang dapat mereka jual secara pribadi, serta bonus kinerja berdasarkan penjualan distributor yang mereka rekrut. Nu Skin menyatakan bahwa mereka membayar sekitar 43 persen dari pendapatan produknya sebagai kompensasi penjualan.
Skincare adalah serangkaian perawatan kulit yang dapat merawat kesehatan dan kecantikan kulit Anda. Tak cukup dari dalam dengan makanan yang Anda konsumsi, merawat kulit juga bisa dilakukan dari luar. Arti skincare adalah serangkaian kegiatan perawatan kulit yang mendukung kesehatan dan kecantikan kulit Perawatan kulit adalah rangkaian praktik yang mendukung integritas kulit, meningkatkan penampilannya, dan meringankan kondisi kulit. Mereka dapat mencakup nutrisi, menghindari paparan sinar matahari yang berlebihan dan penggunaan emolien yang tepat. Praktik yang meningkatkan penampilan termasuk penggunaan kosmetik , botulinum , pengelupasan kulit , pengisi, pelapisan ulang laser , mikrodermabrasi , pengelupasan, terapi retinol dan perawatan kulit ultrasonik. Perawatan kulit adalah prosedur rutin harian di banyak tempat, seperti kulit yang terlalu kering atau terlalu lembab, dan pencegahan dermatitis serta pencegahan cederakulit

Laboratory experiments show that good bacteria can help make coral reefs more resilient to climate change

Warming oceans threaten to turn coral reefs from a kaleidoscope of colors to fields of bleached debris. To stop this damage, some scientists are studying a surprising ointment: probiotics.

Doses of coral with a mix of beneficial bacteria prevented death in a simulated heatwave in an aquarium, researchers report inScience Advances Aug. 13. In comparison, nearly half of the corals fed the benign saline solution did not survive the same conditions. This study provides evidence for the concept that probiotics may help some corals survive heat stress.

"The results are very promising," said Blake Ushidjima, a microbiologist at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, who was not involved in the study. The work legitimizes the use of probiotics as coral remedies, he says, “but we're only scratching the surface. We don't understand how many of these beneficial microbes are at work. "

Corals are not individual units, but coalitions of cooperative actors. Photosynthetic algae, which use solar energy to supply their host animals, coral polyps, with energy are the key step. Corals are also home to many bacteria, many of which obtain their hosts by circulating nutrients or fighting off pathogens. In short, the so-called "holobion" corals, corals and their microbial partners form the basis of one of the most diverse ecosystems on earth.

A worsening heatwave at sea is testing the integrity of a healthy holobion (SN: 4/10/18). Under heat stress, coral algae secrete toxic chemicals that cause polyps to excrete. This process, known as bleaching, can kill corals (SN: 18/10/16). For example, heatwave bleaching wiped out 29% of shallow coral on the northern Great Barrier Reef in 2016. Bacterial communities were also displaced by heat stress, which reduced the benefits of some bacteria.

"In general we see a breakdown of the symbiotic relationship and all the microorganisms start fighting back," said Raquel Peixoto, a marine ecologist at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Tuvalu, Saudi Arabia. He and his colleagues have shown in laboratory experiments that treating corals with a carefully prepared probiotic cocktail can reduce coral bleaching. That's fine, he said, "but we want to see if we can protect them from dying."

In the latest setting, the researchers simulated ocean heatwaves in 10 aquariums, each with four fragments of the hard coral Mussismilia hispida, which raised the temperature to 30°C for 10 days before dropping back to 26°C. Half of the corals were sprayed with six strains. M. hispida bacteria every three days during the heat wave and every five days thereafter until the other half received salt. Over 75 days, Peixoto and his colleagues measured coral health and changes in globion metabolic activity, along with turning genes on and off.

The corals in both groups were bleached, but the probiotic treatment was ultimately successful. While 40% of salt-treated corals succumbed to the heat, all bacteria-treated corals survived. "It was surprising and very exciting," Peixoto said. Probiotics appear to aid coral repair by causing genetic and metabolic changes in the host that are linked to suppressing inflammation and allowing damaged cells to repair, the researchers found.

"Climate change affects corals faster than they can adapt to," but their microbial partners may respond more quickly to change, said Kimberly Richie, a marine biologist at the University of South Carolina Beaufort who was not involved in the study. Such changes, which probiotic treatments might make, "could buy more time for corals," he says.

Peisho and his colleagues plan to leave the aquarium and begin experiments in mid-August to see if probiotics can help wild corals. However, some scientists are skeptical about the ultimate benefits of additional bacteria, especially for large reefs with hundreds of coral species. "Probiotics are hot right now," says Ty Roach, a molecular ecologist at the Hawaiian Institute of Marine Biology in Kaneohe. "I can think of scenarios where that would be a good approach ... but I don't think they will save the reef."

For example, applying probiotics to large reefs with hundreds of coral species seems a logical challenge, says Roach. And there can be unintended consequences. "What is good for one coral may not be good for another coral or organism," Roach said. "For an ecosystem as complex as coral reefs, I can't imagine doing this on a large scale without unforeseen harmful effects."

Peixoto says the probiotics used here are carefully screened and don't use strains that are known to be life-threatening. In general, probiotics "are not going to be a panacea," he says. The only thing that will save coral reefs is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to reduce global warming. "But we still need recovery and rehabilitation to cope with the reality we have now," he says, and probiotics hold promise.

Crucial details of the Little Albert experiment remain unclear or in dispute, such as who the child was, whether he had any neurological conditions and why the boy was removed from the experiment, possibly by his mother, before the researchers could attempt to reverse his learned fears. Also uncertain is whether he experienced any long-term effects of his experience.

Although experimental psychology originated in Germanyin 1879, Watson’s notorious study foreshadowed a messy, contentious approach to the “science of us” that has played out over the last 100 years. Warring scientific tribes armed with clashing assumptions about how people think and behave have struggled for dominance in psychology and other social sciences. Some have achieved great influence and popularity, at least for a while. Others have toiled in relative obscurity. Competing tribes have rarely joined forces to develop or integrate theories about how we think or why we do what we do; such efforts don’t attract much attention.

But Watson, who had a second career as a successful advertising executive, knew how to grab the spotlight. He pioneered a field dubbed behaviorism, the study of people’s external reactions to specific sensations and situations. Only behavior counted in Watson’s science. Unobservable thoughts didn’t concern him.

Even as behaviorism took center stage — Watson wrote a best-selling book on how to raise children based on conditioning principles — some psychologists addressed mental life. American psychologist Edward Tolman concluded that rats learned the spatial layout of mazes by constructing a “cognitive map” of their surroundings (SN: 3/29/47, p. 199). Beginning in the 1910s, Gestalt psychologists studied how we perceive wholes differently than the sum of their parts, such as, depending on your perspective, seeing either a goblet or the profiles of two faces in the foreground of a drawing (SN: 5/18/29, p. 306).

And starting at the turn of the 20th century, Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, exerted a major influence on the treatment of psychological ailments through his writings on topics such as unconscious conflicts, neuroses and psychoses (SN: 7/9/27, p. 21). Freudian clinicians guided the drafting of the American Psychiatric Association’s first official classification system for mental disorders. Later editions of the psychiatric “bible” dropped Freudian concepts as unscientific — he had based his ideas on analyses of himself and his patients, not on lab studies.

Shortly after Freud’s intellectual star rose, so did that of Harvard University psychologist B.F. Skinner, who could trace his academic lineage back to Watson’s behaviorism. By placing rats and pigeons in conditioning chambers known as Skinner boxes, Skinner studied how the timing and rate of rewards or punishments affect animals’ ability to learn new behaviors. He found, for instance, that regular rewards speed up learning, whereas intermittent rewards produce behavior that’s hard to extinguish in the lab. He also stirred up controversy by calling free will an illusion and imagining a utopian society in which communities doled out rewards to produce well-behaved citizens.

An active powered black hole is surrounded by a disk of hot gas and dust that vibrates like a bonfire. Astronomers have discovered that tracking changes in these vibrations can reveal something that is extremely difficult to measure: the weight of the hippopotamus.

"This is a new way to weigh black holes," said astronomer Colin Burkeof the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne. Additionally, the method can be applied to any astrophysical object with an accretion disk and could even help locate elusive medium-sized black holes, researchers reported to Science on Aug. 13.

It is not easy to measure the mass of a black hole. On the one hand, dark giants are known for their difficult visibility. But sometimes black holes appear when they eat. As gas and dust fall into the black hole, matter is placed in a disk that warms to temperatureshot to white and, in some cases, can shade all the stars in the galaxy together.

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